Nature Unknown label
Credit hour 3
Total number of hours 18
Number of hours for tutorials 18


Bases solides en biologie cellulaire et en microbiologie acquises lors du Master 1. Il serait pr¨¦f¨¦rable que l¡¯¨¦tudiant ait suivi les modules de Master 1 consacr¨¦s au Microbiote Intestinal, ¨¤ l¡¯immunologie et aux liens entre Agents infectieux, Inflammation et Canc¨¦rog¨¦n¨¨se. Solid bases in Cell biology and in Microbiology, acquired during 1st year of Master. It would be preferable that the student has followed the courses devoted to Intestinal Microbiota, Immunology and the links between Infectious Agents, Inflammation and Carcinogenesis.


Acqu¨¦rir des connaissances indispensables ¨¤ la compr¨¦hension des m¨¦canismes impliqu¨¦s dans la physiopathologie des infections chez l¡¯homme. Conna?tre et ma?triser les strat¨¦gies scientifiques et les techniques mises en ?uvre pour analyser les interactions h?tes pathog¨¨nes au niveau cellulaire (Microbiologie cellulaire), et les m¨¦canismes d¡¯action des pr¨¦/pro/symbiotiques en sant¨¦ humaine. To acquire knowledge essential to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of human infections. To know and master the scientific methods and techniques used to analyze pathogenic host interactions at the cellular level (Cellular Microbiology), and the mechanisms of action of pre/pro/symbiotics in human health.


L¡¯enseignement, enti¨¨rement bas¨¦ sur l¡¯analyse de publications, permettra de d¨¦velopper certains des th¨¨mes suivants (en fonction des publications r¨¦centes et de l¡¯actualit¨¦ scientifique et clinique, avec 3 ou 4 intervenants chaque ann¨¦e) :

The course, based on the analysis of scientific articles, will develop some of the following themes (depending on recent publications and scientific and clinical news, with 3 or 4 speakers each year):
- Autophagy in infection and inflammation
- The role of exosomes in infectious diseases
- Epigenetics and infection
- New tools and methods (organoids)
- Diet and susceptibility to infections
- MiRNA regulation and bacteria
- Mechanisms of Action of Probiotics

Additional Information

Acqu¨¦rir des connaissances indispensables ¨¤ la compr¨¦hension des m¨¦canismes impliqu¨¦s dans la physiopathologie des infections chez l¡¯homme. Conna?tre et ma?triser les strat¨¦gies scientifiques et les techniques mises en ?uvre pour analyser les interactions h?tes pathog¨¨nes au niveau cellulaire (Microbiologie cellulaire), et les m¨¦canismes d¡¯action des pr¨¦/pro/symbiotiques en sant¨¦ humaine. To acquire knowledge essential to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of human infections. To know and master the scientific methods and techniques used to analyze pathogenic host interactions at the cellular level (Cellular Microbiology), and the mechanisms of action of pre/pro/symbiotics in human health.